Customers, partners & collaborations

We all know that specialization will cause one to be the leader in a certain field, and yet we believe that vertically drawing on various skills is the real key to creating and amplifying innovation.

We believe that vertically drawing on various skills is the real key to creating and amplifying innovation. We believe in the birth of a system that conjugates various competencies “vertically”: by working together, solutions come more quickly. Combining various skills and specializations is fundamental for true transformation.



The cooperation in the field called IoT (Internet of Things) with STMicroelectronics focused on the development of voice and gestural control sensors, including a wireless version of the product. Not only did we share the development of AI technologies, but we are also conducting field tests together with their CSR division. School classroom sanitization is one of the main interests. STMicroelectronics considers this program an “ecosystem of expertise” that involves reliable software and industrial operators and allows SMEs to increase the impact of IoT applications and adopt unconventional business models, integrating new powerful sensors and innovative technologies, with a low impact in terms of investment, with a drastic reduction in the time-to-market of new devices. ST partner program members offer a wide range of products and services covering areas such as software development tools, hardware development tools, integrated software, components and modules, training, engineering services, and cloud.


We are actively involved in the Arrow Five Years Out project. A project that aims for a tangible future. A future made of technologies and objects with a soul, aimed at improving ourselves and the environment: new materials, new ideas, new electronic solutions that make life not only different but certainly better.


Collaboration with excellence like Tecnosens is part of the company’s strategic asset in the development of innovative devices in which sensors are the essential components. With Tecnosens, we put in place specific skills that allow us to offer a complete service from consulting to the creation of a series of sensorized, calibrated, and smart devices. Specifically, the collaboration focuses on the application of environmental, gas, and flow sensors.


For several years, we have been working with the University of Naples. With their microbiology department, we share the effectiveness tests of branded products and the experimental paths that require the use of new technologies.


This project, born thanks to the Industrial Associations of Veneto, with the coordination of Confindustria Veneto, deals with helping regional companies in the transition towards a digital and sustainable company.
